Publication Policy

The Publisher and the Editorial Board of The Law Brigade Publishers are working high-quality content with the highest transparency and clearest ethic behaviour as possible. For this reason, a series of procedures are followed:

Electronic Submission

Submission of new articles proceeds exclusively via The Law Brigade Editorial System (LBES) at The Submission Portal. This system facilitates communication among editors, reviewers, and authors, and ensures a rapid and transparent editorial process. Further information on LBES may be found at the Peer Review Policy Page

Peer-review policy

Newly submitted manuscripts will first be screened by the co-Editors-in-Chief and the Managing Editor. Manuscripts may be rejected at this stage if they are of insufficient quality, outside the scope of the journal or they are considered not original. Manuscripts that do meet the minimal requirements for publication are assigned to one of the co-Editors-in-Chief, who sends the manuscript out for review, occasionally with the help of Associate Editors. Reviewers are selected by the co-Editor-in-Chief on the basis of their expertise, their availability, and such as to avoid possible conflicts of interest. A reviewer is asked to evaluate whether the manuscript is sound, original, relevant, clear, whether it correctly references previous work, and whether it falls within the scope of the journal. For detailed information on the Editing Procedure, please check out our Peer Review Policy.

Publication Ethics

Ethical guidelines for authors include disclosure of funding and of any actual or potential conflict of interest. Please refer to the Guide for Authors for more detail.


We are committed to the quality, efficiency, and transparency of the editorial process. To substantiate this ambition, the publisher will regularly make available an overview of performance indicators, such as the total number of submitted papers and the rejection ratio.

During the year 2019, 3119 papers have been submitted. The journal has accepted 753 papers for publication and rejected 2366, leading to a formal rejection ratio of 75.85%.


Journal of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code

Submissions Open!

Authors are invited to submit their research paper in the journal. Please click the Submit Button below to proceed.
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